Developed by Crows Crows Crows, The Stanley Parable is a comedy game that is spent time by controlling the player through the game, with unexpected turns and an excellent narrator with British accent. In this game, we played a silly clerk named Stanley while he explores the eccentric workplace of him in a loop. He little buy little he will discover that the monotony of him disappears, and that mental narrative will focus on different topics very interesting as mental health. With a 88 in Metacritic, it was consecrated as one of the best games for its time and a work of worship for many fans of the walking simulator.
What's new in the DELUXE version?
Programmed for early 2022 ENPC and consoles, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is, as your name suggests, a luxury version of the original game. To begin with, the game has been improved graphically, to be a little closer to what would be expected from a modern game, however, the particular environment of the offices should have been preserved. All the content of the title that came out in 2013 will be present, with its gags, finals, turns, etc. But as the author says, the labyrinth has become bigger, with new options, more content and more secrets to discover.
After 3 years of full-time development, The Stanley Standing: Ultra Deluxe has its finished content and will be launched in early 2022 in consoles and computers! It has not been specified when the game will be concretely, but it is likely that we do not take much more to see this new version of one of the most beloved works by PC players. Finally, console players will be able to live this experience as unique as unusual and enjoy how Windows and Mac players did 8 years ago.
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