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WoW: Cross Faction Play ist gut

Actually, it is astonishing that something in WoW has kept so many years without the effects being catastrophic - the parliamentary equilibrium. For many years, the high number of players had been able to hide the problem for a long time. At the end of Shadowlands, however, the numbers show that that the imbalance is not better, but worse. The faction's lightweight is now slowly reaching catastrophic dimensions - at least for those who have remained on the alliance. Not only with the top players who apply for a place in the fame hall, but also with the normal players, it is slowly looking dark.

Random raids are less common than steak eating tauren and in the mythical plus dungeons you can always see the same players. With Patch 9.2.5 and the new feature of the cross -faction game Blizzard is now starting this problem. In my eyes, however, this can only be one of two steps. Because you don't want to dissolve the political groups completely. Compared to the horde, the alliance is dying out. Source: horde

problem only half solved

When Allianz players can visit slaughterhouse and dungeons together with Horde players, then at least the problem of the missing teammates is solved-provided the Horde players take the feature well and activate the overarching group search. However, this will not prevent the extinction of alliance. The emigration to the horde is braked somewhat, maybe even stop in a perfect world.

However, if many players do not flow into the game again in the near future, the alliance is permanently a lot weaker, which also has problems in the PvP and the open world. So how could players "seduce" players to move to the alliance?

lower the hurdle of the change

You don't really have to do much on the part of Blizzard. There are (at least in my circle of acquaintances) a lot of players who are currently active on the Horde side, but feel more comfortable in the Allianz. The reasons for this are diverse - more beautiful peoples, friends on the alli side, other story and what else. But they all play at the horde - for one reason: more potential players.

This reason falls with wow (buy now) patch 9.2.5 at least in large parts. Most of which I talked to will still stay with the horde. The reason for this is trivial. The change back to the alliance with her chars costs you a stick that you do not have or do not want to pay. So you stay on the side of the horde, although that offers you hardly any advantage and you would actually prefer to wear a blue banner.

top guilds on the alliance page? Quite possible

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And even with some top guilds, people have heard in recent years and months that they would like to switch to Allianz. Not only because there are now the slightly better popular ability to find, but also because that would bring a little variety into play.

However, there are three reasons why no guild has taken this step ( from short -term excursions to a nerf or double change for a single item ). The first is that you not only have a lot of players in the squad, but also need to add top players regularly. These have to prove themselves in different runs during a trial period. Of course, this is only possible if you belong to the same faction. And there are more players at the horde, ergo more potential applicants.

The second reason is the guild community. The past World First Race impressively showed us how important the fans and thousands of helpers can be in the fight for the crown. Here, too, the crowd on the side of the horde is of course larger, as there are more players there.

The third reason here is the money again. Liquid, echo and others have a lot of capital, but a change would still be expensive. All of the members (significantly more than the 20 Raider) and their tons of Chars and helper charts should not only change the parliamentary group, but usually also the server. Max calculated in 2018 that limit would cost around $ 9,000 to change the whole guild. This amount is likely to have increased rather than decreased.

The first two reasons are quite obsolete with patch 9.2.5. Because through cross -faction game, both helpers and potential applicants can still stand on both sides of the parliamentary group and support their favorite team. It remains the reason for the expensive change of parliamentary group. In the past, Horde and Allianz have often worked together. Source: Blizzard

Free group transfers as a solution?

For many players, the costs that a move to the alliance would bring are an obstacle. This could be relatively easy to get out of the world by Blizzard by offering the change towards Allianz free of charge. In the past, there were often such actions in order to relieve overcrowded servers and fill empty servers.

Admittedly, the result was relatively manageable. The starting point was also different. And of course it is also clear to me that such an offer would not suddenly lead to a 50:50 ratio. On the other hand: Where would the disadvantages be if Blizzard just tried it?

I think the amount of players who really spend the current money to switch from Horde to Allianz can be counted on one hand - the financial losses would be very, very manageable.

But there would be two positive effects. On the one hand, the imbalance would definitely improve. Because such an action would probably not ensure that suddenly more players from Allianz switch to the horde. So if only a handful of players accept the offer, it would be better than nothing.

On the other hand, Blizzard would set another sign. So far, the responsible developers have always declared that they have recognized the problem, but the measures taken are rather hesitant and more aim to mitigate the effects of imbalance than to combat the actual imbalance.

Do you think that a free transfer from Horde to Allianz could help together with Cross Faction Play? Or asked differently: Do you know players who would change if they were not asked to pay for it - maybe even their own? Tell us your opinion in the comments.

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